
Centro de Documentación de las Artes Escénicas y de la Música


Online free loan service of live events – mainly theatre performances; video recordings with around 1800 titles.

Scope: Recordings of companies of Spain and abroad since 1970’s

Heritage Music and Dance Maps  (Music)   (Dance)

Maps that locate Music and Dance heritage collections, such as handwritten sources, special fonds, personal archives, instruments museums, etc.

Scope: Collections located in Spain.

Performing Arts Guide

Specialized directory on Theatre and Circus. It offers information such as, Companies, Festivals, Institutions, Libraries, Bookstores….

Scope: Entities and activities in Spain

Premières Database

Specialized database of Theatre and Circus Premieres

Scope: Premieres in Spain since 1939.

Library Catalogue

Specialised collection of Theatre, Dance and Circus

Scope: Spain, global

Dance Resources in Spain

Specialized database that offers information on the entire process related to the Dance (performing, management, research, teaching, scenic spaces, activities).

Scope: Entities and activities in Spain.

Centro de Investigación y Recursos de las Artes Escénicas de Andalucía

Library Database (Catalogue)

Catalogue of the institute’s specialised library that includes books, newspapers, journals, multimedia, … 

Scope: Spain.

Elektra – Digital archive of the performing arts of Andalusia 

Database of documentation graphics (programmes, posters, sketches of sets and costumes, photographs, press releases, etc.) and audiovisual recordings that make up the history of the performing arts in Andalusia. 

Scope: Spain.