Round Table Meeting, 26-27 February & Symposium “Het Archief Speculatief – Archiving for the Future”, Amsterdam, 27-28 Ferbruary 2025
The 2025 Round Table Meeting focuses on the following topics:
- tba
It is followed by a Symposium in the programme of the 100th anniversary of the theatre collection of the Allard Pierson, Amsterdam: “Het Archief Speculatief – Archiving for the Future”
Het Archief Speculatief – Archiving for the Future
On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Allard Pierson Theatre Collection, the Chair of Theatre Studies, in collaboration with Allard Pierson and the TiN Foundation, is organising a symposium on Thursday 27 and Friday 28 February 2025. The second day has the format of an experiment and aims to speculate with different actors and from different perspectives on the past and future of theatre archives in general and of the Theatre Collection of the Allard Pierson in particular.
Programme and Information
Roundtable Meeting, Amsterdam 2025: Detailed Programme
Roundtable Meeting, Amsterdam 2025: Practical Information
Symposium “Het Archief Speculatief – Archiving for the Future”, Day 1
Symposium “Het Archief Speculatief – Archiving for the Future”, Day 2 connects the treasures of the Dutch performing arts and opens them for makers, researchers and enthusiasts. The goal is a complete and accessible digital overview of the Dutch performing arts’ heritage, that brings new life to the history of the performing arts in the Netherlands and serves as a rich source of inspiration for makers, now and in the future.
To that end, will be home to all music and theater collections in a network of collections that is accessible to all. With these collections a source of inspiration will be created for makers, researchers and enthusiasts. is also a network of and for institutions and collectives in the sector. This network provides support, inspiration and awareness about the preservation and digitisation of the Netherlands’ performing arts’ heritage.
Contact, c/o Netherlands Institute for Sound & Vision
Media Parkboulevard 1
1217 WE Hilversum, The Netherlands
Monique in het Veld, Programme Manager

Round Table Meeting, 7-8 October & Symposium “Connecting Avant-Gardes and Theatre: How to revolutionise the Relationship between the Periphery and the Centre”, Ljubljana, 9-11 October 2024
The 2024 Round Table Meeting focused on the following topics:
- Possibilities and Methodologies of (Open) Linked-Data
- Marginalised Groups and/in Collections and Meta Data: Designing inclusive Archives
- Exile and Archives
- Projects of the Members
It was followed by the Amfiteater Journal of Performing Arts Theory Academic Symposium:
Connecting Avant-Gardes and Theatre: How to revolutionise the Relationship between the Periphery and the Centre
The aim of the symposium was to map various geographical and historical attempts to revolutionise the relationship between the periphery and the centre in Europe and beyond. First, during the historical avant-gardes of the 1920s, then the neo-avant-gardes of the 1960s and 1970s, the post-avant-gardes at the turn of the millennium, and finally the contemporary radical theatre practices since the turn of the millennium. The symposium examined whether the neo-avant-garde, the post-avant-garde and contemporary engaged art have revived, in different national, political and aesthetic contexts, some of the basic ideas of constructivist, futurist, expressionist, surrealist, supremacist and other utopian visions.
The symposium was organised by the Slovenian Theatre Institute (SLOGI), the Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television of the University of Ljubljana (UL AGRFT), Amfiteater – Journal of Performing Arts Theory and the Slovenian Society of Aesthetics within the framework of the research programme UL AGRFT Theatre and Intermedia Studies.
Programme and Information
Programme Round Table Meeting 2024
Programme an Information Amfiteater Symposium “Connecting Avant-Gardes and Theatre”
General Assembly and Public Workshop in Oslo, September 28-30, 2022: “The researcher and the digital archive: Narratives from a user-oriented approach”
After two years the Roundtable Meeting and General Assembly of ENICPA was held in the presence of most members in Oslo from September 28-30, 2022. Hybrid access was possible as well.
The researcher and the digital archive. Narratives from a user oriented approach
30th of September 2022, 9am – 4pm
Auditorium, The National Library of Norway, Henrik Ibsensgate 110, Oslo
organized by Performing Arts Hub Norway (PAHN). The workshop adressed questions and possibilities of digital humanities methods within education and research in the field of the performing arts.
Programme and Information

Theatre Museum of Iceland
The Theatre Museum of Iceland was founded in 2003 as a volunteer organization. In 2019 the organization was restructured and most of its archive was moved to the National and University Library of Iceland and the National Museum of Iceland. The Theatre Museum has operated as a unit within the National Library since 2021. Currently, it manages more than 70 private and institutional archives connected to the performing arts in Iceland and has held two exhibitions, in 2022 and 2023.
Theatre Museum of Iceland
Arngrímsgata 3, 107 Reykjavik, Iceland
Sigríður Jónsdóttir, Theatre Specialist

German Dance Association
The German Dance Association (Dachverband Tanz Deutschland, abbreviation DTD) has been working as a nationwide platform for artistic dance in Germany since 2006.
Founded out of the awareness of the active founding members that dance must speak with one voice in the political landscape of the Federal Republic of Germany, the Federal Association of Dance today acts as a federation of the outstanding associations and institutions for artistic dance in Germany – overarching aesthetic differences, different modes of production and specific professional fields in dance.
The association develops position papers and concepts for the promotion of dance in Germany, it realizes campaigns and initiatives and implements them in its projects. Since 2016, it has been involved in nationwide funding programs and since 2018, the Association has been the sponsor and organizer of the prestigious German Dance Award (Deutscher Tanzpreis).
Mariannenplatz 2, 10997 Berlin, GER
Michael Freundt, Managing Director

The Macedonian Center ITI/PRODUKCIJA 2011 develops and performs international promotion of local domestic and Macedonian contemporary performing arts since 2011: theatre, opera/musical theater, dance, performance; international promotion via communication and exchange of information, education (drama colonies, workshops and lectures for visual dramaturgy, playwriting, creative producing), e-publishing (e-Plays, theatre comics, theatre illustrations, utopian set designs, translated world plays, domestic contemporary play in Macedonian and English language, theatre photo eBooks) and collaborative productions (short experimental films, video theater projects, video drama readings, video drama pitching).
Zdruzenie na umetnici Makedonski centar na Internacionalen teatarski institut/PRODUKCIJA (Macedonian Center of the ITI/PRODUKCIJA)
BUL. ASNOM – 20/2/28, 1000 Skopje, R. N. Macedonia
Ivanka Apostolova Baskar

Finnish Dance in Focus
Artists, phenomena, and ideas on the Finnish dance scene.
Magazine published once a year by Dance Info Finland, since 1999. In English, print & online.
Check out the latest issues here.
Starting in 2021: Digitalisation of Performance Recordings from Iceland
Although Icelandic theatre performances have been recorded using various techniques from the mid-20th century, as of 2021 very few of them have been digitised or made available, either to researchers or the public. In 2020 The National Theatre of Iceland donated its performance library to the National and University Library of Iceland, which the Theatre Museum is a part of. This collection not only includes entire productions, in audio and video formats, but also original music and soundscapes. The Theatre Museum of Iceland is in the process of digitising, cataloguing, and consolidating this collection. Included in this project is to make the process of sharing and archiving productions cross institutions more streamlined in the future. This work is essential to build an overview of the country’s theatre history and a priceless resource for our users.
Ice Hot Nordic Dance – promoting the visibility of Nordic dance abroad!
ICE HOT Nordic Dance is a collaboration network that promotes the visibility of Nordic dance abroad, and aims to increase working opportunities and touring of Nordic dance artists. A longer term aim is to strengthen and develop the Nordic dance field and its structures in a more sustainable direction.
This is done by organising platform events that present Nordic dance and choreography for the international dance community. The platforms serve also to promote the development of Nordic dance and choreography, to facilitate networking opportunities and increase professional capacities of Nordic dance artists.
Ice Hot platforms attract a large number of professionals from all continents. The first Ice Hot Platform was arranged in Stockholm, Sweden in 2010, as a pilot project, and then in Helsinki, Finland in 2012, in Oslo, Norway in 2014, in Copenhagen, Denmark in 2016 and in Reykjavik, Iceland in 2018. The Ice Hot Helsinki 2022 starts a new cycle of platforms touring all Nordic countries.
Ice Hot Nordic Dance partner organizations come from all five Nordic countries: Dance Info Finland, Dansehallerne (Denmark), Dansens Hus Oslo (Norway), Dansens Hus Stockholm (Sweden) and Ice Hot Reykjavik (Iceland).
More information: