Round Table Meeting, 26-27 February & Symposium “Het Archief Speculatief – Archiving for the Future”, Amsterdam, 27-28 Ferbruary 2025

The 2025 Round Table Meeting focuses on the following topics:

  • tba

It is followed by a Symposium in the programme of the 100th anniversary of the theatre collection of the Allard Pierson, Amsterdam: “Het Archief Speculatief – Archiving for the Future”

Het Archief Speculatief – Archiving for the Future

On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Allard Pierson Theatre Collection, the Chair of Theatre Studies, in collaboration with Allard Pierson and the TiN Foundation, is organising a symposium on Thursday 27 and Friday 28 February 2025. The second day has the format of an experiment and aims to speculate with different actors and from different perspectives on the past and future of theatre archives in general and of the Theatre Collection of the Allard Pierson in particular.

Programme and Information

Roundtable Meeting, Amsterdam 2025: Detailed Programme

Roundtable Meeting, Amsterdam 2025: Practical Information

Symposium “Het Archief Speculatief – Archiving for the Future”, Day 1

Symposium “Het Archief Speculatief – Archiving for the Future”, Day 2