Theatre Architecture in Central Europe (TACE) was a three years long project, co-financed by European Union under the Culture 2000 program. The main aim of the project was to present existing knowledge and information about the development of theatre architecture as a specific phenomenon of the European cultural heritage. Within the project, several types of activities had been implemented in such a manner, that the outputs would address a broad target group and would appeal to scholars and the general public alike. The project was prepared by the Art and Theatre Institute (ATI) and was led by The National Theatre Prague (Národní divadlo Praha) with partner institutions as Theatre Institute Bratislava, Hungarian Theatre Institute and Museum, Theatre Museum in Ljubljana and Theatre Institute in Warsaw. The project was launched in 2008 and continued until January of 2011. After its termination, the project was transferred under management of IDU for the phase of sustainability. In this period, the project became opened and cooperation was offered to other European institutions with an ambition to cover as large area as possible. In this regard, the project has been renamed and further on is promoted under the name EUROPEAN THEATRE ARCHITECTURE – EUTA.