Centro de Investigación y Recursos de las Artes Escénicas de Andalucía
The Research and resource Centre for the Performing arts in Andalusia (Centro de Investigación y Recursos de las Artes Escénicas de Andalucía) was founded in 1992. It is dependent on the regional Government. Our main role is to investigate, collect, organise, analyse and distribute information and documentation related to theatre, dance, circus, puppets and magic in Andalusia.
Our Centre integrates the following sections:
- Library specialised in the performing arts
- Audiovisual area
- Archive and documentation section
- Research, projects and publishing section
Our actions aim to fix the memory of the stage event, but also to update the information of the stage reality in order to become a reference of the performing arts in our region.
Centro de Investigación y Recursos de las Artes Escénicas de Andalucía
Plaza Santa Lucía s/n, 41003 Seville, Spain
Catalina González, Audiovisual and External Relations Department
E-Mail: catalina.gonzalez.m@juntadeandalucia.es